Tuesday 25 June 2019

Tollcross Children's Farm

Tollcross Children's Farm defines "hidden gem".  We revisited the farm recently on a sunny January day having not been impressed fourish years ago when we last went.  I think there are more animals now.  One of the reasons this is a gem, is that you can visit on a dry, cold day and still have fun.  It's not a muddy farm but very urban.  Located in Tollcross Park, right next door to Tollcross Leisure Centre, it's easily accessible.  When you go through the gates, there is a visitor centre to your left.  This has lots of different exhibits, African land snails, a snake, jigsaws and colouring in and farm toys too.

Outside the visitor centre is the main courtyard with toilets and an enclosure with chickens.  Down the path from this are pens and stables for the goats, sheep and Shetland ponies.

When you move further along, there is a figure of eight loop around some further enclosures.  These have two huge Tamworth pigs, a small herd of alpacas, ducks, more chickens...

and an aviary with lots of gorgeous birds and some bunnies too.

There are peacocks wandering about and we have been lucky enough to see the male display his tail feathers.  All in all, there is a good variety of animals however, it does feel they're kept in fairly austere concrete enclosures.  The path is clean so easy for toddlers to navigate and the boys enjoy seeing everything.    If you leave the farm and walk round the back there are fields of sheep.  A visit lasts 45-60 minutes.

The farm is in Tollcross Park, which is a lovely park with a burn, rose garden and a play park.  The play park is not worth visiting, very small and unloved.  The park is attractive but hilly and not too suitable for scooting and would be a hefty push with a heavy buggy.

The toilets in the farm are good and there is a baby change.  If you want more luxurious facilities, you can use the leisure centre's.  There is also a sunny cafe too.  If you want to extend the day, you could add on a swim.  The leisure centre also has a play park, which is much better and has a wide range of different equipment.  The leisure centre is also the place to park; turn left when you enter and curve round to the side of the centre to be closest to the gate through the farm.  There have always been lots of spaces when I've visited and both parking and the farm are free to visit.

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